Setting The Stage


This map shows the extent of Mexico as a country, before America began to colonise west. At this time Mexico spanned all the way across California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. 


This is a current map of the United States/Mexico border 

Immigration, as an ever-evolving topic, is both highly important and controversial. Given the close proximity between the two countries, Mexico and the United States have always had some level of relationship with one another. As the relationship between them has evolved, so has the flow of individuals, both for temporary or permanent residence. As mentioned in the introduction statement, this exhibit will take a detailed look at the history of Mexican immigration to the United States. Whether it is changes in formal immigration law, such as the Immigration Act of 1917, the Bracero Program, or illegal immigration disputes, immigration from Mexico to the United States has never been simple. Given this, current politicians and individuals in positions of power should take note of failures in the past to ensure continued beneficial immigration to America. Immigration is an important part of success for not only individual countries, but humanity as a whole. 

Setting The Stage