As the present age is an era of adventure, and the field extensive on which Enterprize may take her range, in consequence of the vast modern improvements in the arts and sciences, it is not surprising that the press should bring to light numerous works of all descriptions. The facility of intercourse between the various parts of the world, and the far and wide extensive state of commerce, have given origin to many narratives of voyages and travels as well as accounts of shipwrecks, and the various disasters attendant on them. In works of this nature we read of numerous hair-breadth escapes, and astonishing interpositions of Divine Providence, in behalf of the concerned—together with incidents of so extraordinary a nature, that the mind is wrapt in astonishment—and as we peruse we are lost in wonder and amazement.

The following circumstantial account of sufferings almost beyond human endurance, is a little work, of real merit. The simplicity of the language—the sprit of piety it breathes—and the morals it incul

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