every morning, and to confine myself to goat’s milk; excepting a few new laid eggs, together with moderate exercise. After a week, he allowed me to take some light chicken broth with a morsel of the wing. By the means of this diet, my health and strength were in great measure restored.

The Almighty, by whose will I had probably very justly suffered, was at length pleased to deliver me into the hands of a benevolent man, whose kindness I experienced in every instance. What would have been our condition if we had met with a person of less sensibility; who thinking he had sufficiently answered the duties of his office in redeeming us out of the hands of the Arabs, had left us to shift for ourselves, with regard to all other necessaries! I can never reflect without the most grateful sensibility, on the goodness and charity of him whom I am proud to claim as my countryman, and who certainly is an honor to the country which gave him birth. At our departure, when my husband attempted to make acknowledgements for his bounties, “I must beg leave (said the Consul) to interrupt you on this subject; you have deserved every thing I did for you, because you needed it; and I have done nothing more in your instance than I should have a right to expect myself, in the same circumstances. But my consideration for your distress (continued he) ought to extend beyond the immediate exigencies o your situation.”

Having continued at Mogadore until we had per-

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