my friends in Liverpool, who joined with me in returning thanks to the Almighty for my wonderful deliverance.

Here Mrs. Bradley concludes her affecting narrative.--Subsequent accounts from Mogadore state that five more of the crew had found their way back to that place by the interposition of Mr. Willshire.

[The Publisher here begs liberty for the edification of his readers, to subjoin a concise narrative of Arabia, of the laws, customs, and habits of the natives &c. It is copied from the works of authors who, have themselves been held in captivity by the Arabs, and whose statements relating thereto may be depended on as facts.]—


Arabia is in the quarter of Asia; and, as described by historians and geographers, lies, in its greatest extent, between the 12th and 35th degrees of N. lat. and 35th and 61st of E. long. From its situation between isthmus of Suex the Red Sea, the river Euphrates, the Persian Gulph, the Bay of Oraus, the Streights of Babel-Mandel, and the Indian Ocean, it may be looked upon as a peninsula, and that one of the largest in the world. Its first division, as we find by scripture, was into Arabah and Kedem! Ptolemy divided it into three parts—Stoney Arabia, Desert Arabia, and Happy Arabia.

As a great part of this country lies under the

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