tion to which, some have a kind of wollen blanket, about five feet wide and three yards long long, which they wrap about them when they travel in the evening. These blankets they obtain at Morrocco in exchange for garments of camel’s hair and ostrich-feathers.

The females of Arabia are not so tall as the men, and their features much harder and more ugly--in person they are extremely disgusting--their hair which is black and long, they tuck up in a bunch on their heads, and secure it there by means of thorns --around their wrists and ankles they wear beads and other ornaments; they have thin lips, high cheek bones, and their two eye teeth of such uncommon length as to support their upper lip, and to project it in such manner as to bring it nearly in contact with their nose--their eyes are small, black and very expressive. The dress of the females is a garment of coarse camel’s hair cloth, which covers their shoulders, leaving their arms and breasts naked, it extends nearly to their knees, and the border is ornamented with beads or strips of crimson cloth--these garments are so constructed as to admit of a fold behind like a sack in which they carry their infant children.

Shoes, hat, or caps are never made use of by the Arabs, and the children, male and female, under the age of twelve go entirely naked, hence their swarthy complexion is imputed in great measure to their exposure to the sun. The men are much more quick and active than the women, to whom

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