Browse Collections (74 total)

Writing in the Public Interest

ENGL 100: Writing in the Public Interest

Contributors: Tierra Abeyta, Mara Cassin, Mara Strong

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Early American Numbers

7.11.11 042.JPG

Math textbooks and assorted adjacent genres from the collections of the American Antiquarian Society

Contributors: Michelle Burnham

View the items in Early American Numbers

Venice: Crossroads of the World


In 1501, upon learning the details of the voyage of Christopher Columbus, the State Historian of the Republic of Venice, Pietro Bembo offered the…

Contributors: Blake de Maria

View the items in Venice: Crossroads of the World

Reconstructing Gasparo Balbi's Itinerario


Gasparo Balbi was one of the most important, and controversial, members of Venice's thriving lapidary community. The self-described "gioillieri…

Contributors: de Maria, Blake

View the items in Reconstructing Gasparo Balbi's Itinerario

Composing the Archives of SCU

Exhibits composed using archival material from SCU.

Contributors: Hernandez, Andrew
Hoyt, Anthony
Meshack, Hassan
Modugno, Drea
Moore, Jack
Pannerrselvam, Sai
Stella, Cindy

View the items in Composing the Archives of SCU