Hubbard's Second Expedition (1928)

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YEAR: 1928

PARTY: Roderick (Rod) A. Chisholm (civil engineer and cartographer); Jack Koby (veteran guide and prospector of Alaska)

PLACES: The party sailed into Juneau where Chisholm and Koby attended to the preparations, while Father Hubbard gave a retreat and several lectures in the capital. They then left to climb and photograph mountain scenery of Seward and the Kenai Peninsula. They explored Kodiak Island extensively (finding out later that no white man or native had ever been there.) After this they found their way to Eagle Harbor where they made their base at an Aleutian village near Kukak Bay.) The Aleuts' ruins showed a true Christian civilization. A storm hit forcing them back along Uyak Bay towards Clearwater Bay. It was here they rested at the Salater's cannery. Mrs.Salater, wife ofthe superintendent ofthe cannery, gave the party dry clothes, food, and shelter. They were also introduced to Pete Patrakin, an Aleut chief, who gave them help in finding their way. Sailing into the Gulf of Alaska, out of Kiliuda Bay, another storm hit. They finally landed north of Kodiak on Marmot Bay. The party viewed the Karluk River and the Kodiak Alps as they forged on to Kodiak City where they met W.J. Erskine. Hubbard used Erskine's palatial home to develop some of his pictures. The party then left for the Valley ofTen Thousand Smokes and the active volcanoes which surround Mt. Katmai. After which they traveled through the Barrier Range ofthe southwestern Alaskan Peninsula, through forbidding mountainous regions, over unmapped and unexplored land where no human being had yet successfully explored, to Iliamna Lake. On their brief visit to Long "Rocking Moon" Island, the party then met the Good brothers (Alaskan dentists.) These brothers took them across Shelikof Strait and landed them on the Alaskan Peninsula. They were, however, caught in a 2 day, 2 night storm along the way. After this adventure the party continued down the coast and found themselves back in Juneau where they sailed home. Rod Chisholm, however, remained for two additional weeks in order to hunt. 35

REMARKS: Hubbard discovered a new type of glacier, one entirely covered by ashes from the eruption of Mt. Katmai. On the entire trip the party witnessed the destruction of Mt. Katmai's 1912 eruption. Not only did Hubbard take "still" pictures, but he also used motion pictures to record the events of this trip.