Revolution in World Literature

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Revolution in World Theatre


This exhibit details various dramas that all deal with revolution, rebellion, and it's consequences and many complexitites. The "home text" is Antigone, and the four other texts cover similar themes of tyranny, oppression, and colonialism, as well as how to respond to it. The four texts are from different time periods and cultures, but each was an important examination of that culture's oppresion. The exhibit examines each play and its influence to find the underlying effect that revolutionary literature has had over the span of centuries.

Guide to exploring the exhibit:

This exhibit covers five texts, which are best explored through the waypoints. The first is Antigone, which is the default view.  The next four each have two records, a summary and an analysis. The summary contains a book cover, an overview of the play and its themes, and the culture and time it comes from. The point on the timeline for the summary is the time when the play was written/published. The analysis record explains the play's connection to the overarching theme of revolution. The point on the timeline for the analysis is the time the play takes place in, and the point on the map for analysis is the place where the play was written (These points are the same as the summary for both Nil Darpan and I Will Marry When I Want)

Created by Jalen Paige.