read them, as we were taught them only by word of mouth.
“Question. Pourquoi le bon Dieu n’a pas fait tous les commandemens?
“Réponse. Parce que l’homme n’est pas si fort qu’il peut garder tous ses commandemens.”
“Question. “Why did not God make all the commandments?
”Answer. Because man is not strong enough to keep them.”
And another, “Q. “Puorquoi l’homme ne lit pas l’Evangile?
”A. Parce que l’esprit de l’homme est trop borné et trop faible pour comprendre qu’est ce que Dieu a ecrit.”
“Q. Why are men not to read the New Testament?
”A. Because the mind of man is too limited and weak to understand what God has written.”
These questions and answers are not to be found in the common catechisms in use in Montreal and other places where I have been, but all the children in the Congregational Nunnery were taught them, and many more not found in these books.