Flier informing about Don't Walk Alone, an escort service provided by scu. It details that the escorts would be other scu students and describes how they would verify their identity once they got to you and the steps beyond. It also contains…
An scu administrator reasons through whether or not they do or even can support or condemn the pro-choice rally that occurred on scu's campus that october. They don't reach a decision but support each of the possible viewpoints they consider.
An excerpt from Lisa Slowe Cahill's lecture on April 27, 2003, 7:30 PM, discussing how it's possible to be a female catholic and be a feminist in the modern sense. Includes byline at the bottom about how Santa Clara lectures are "free and open to the…
A faculty evaluation for the Women's Studies Program. The professor evaluating the program notes the lack of an official Women's Studies office contributes to the lack of support on campus of the program.