Browse Items (78 total)

  • Collection: ITAL 185 Winter 24

National Guard and strikers at McCloud Strike 1909 on railroad

Women workers on an assembly line in a cannery. Workers take the fruit from the line, fill cans, and then put lids on the cans, which are then sent to another room to be sealed. Notice that the women wear white caps and uniforms, resembling nursing…

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Japanese California immigrant Issei Pastor and family; family photo.

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Two Italian fishing boats at Fisherman's Wharf on the water near the dock, San Francisco, CA,

Immigrants living in unsanitary, packed tenements in New York City - black and white photo

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Infant John A. Sobrato and Italian immigrant parents John Mossimo Sobrato and Ann Ainardi Sobrato

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John Fante, Italian-American novelist and short story writer
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