This picture depicts a SCU Bronco named Art Foster. He was a 6-2, 200 pound, junior tight end. Foster was a mathematics major from Marin City, California.
1990 Santa Clara University press release explaining the Administration's decision to place oldest and largest Fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, on inactive status for at least four years.
A slip distributed to staff and administration at SCU asking them to pledge a certain amount of money from their monthly paychecks in order to create a fund to allow students of color to attend SCU.
2000, "The Santa Clara" newspaper article titled, "SAE's chapter suspended for two years," mentions SAE history of malfeasance, and makes the distinction that their discipline should be a "wake-up call for for the whole Greek system."
1990, "The Santa Clara" newspaper article titled, "Fraternity Newsletter Sparks Activism" reports on the Sig Ep fraternity investigation conducted by both Santa Clara University and nationals.
1990, Santa Clara University Club "Voices for Change" mission statement and goals. Club states they are a movement created in response to Sigma Phi Epsilon's sexist and racist rhetoric and wish to promote change and positive attitudes.
1990, Letter written by female English Student to Father Locatelli in response to Sigma Phi Epsilon's sexist newsletter and well as two other instances of gender problems she had been personally exposed to that year.
1990, Letter from Co-Founder of the Santa Clara University Sigma Phi Epsilon Chapter to the current Sigma Phi Epsilon Chapter about how to deal with their current predicament.