Cartoon shows a young woman carrying buckets on a yoke, looking up at ladder ascending up to the sky, bottom rungs labeled "Slavery," "House Drudgery," and "Shop Work." Top rungs labeled "Equal Suffrage," "Wage Equity," and "Presidency."
Illustration shows a torch-bearing female labeled "Votes for Women", symbolizing the awakening of the nation's women to the desire for suffrage, striding across the western states, where women already had the right to vote, toward the east where…
Print showing a woman leaving the house to vote on election day while her distraught husband is left behind to tend to the children and house by himself. A plate has been broken, both children are crying and even the cat is in a panic. Hanging in a…
Print shows a woman being denied the opportunity to vote because she is wearing a dress and a hat that are too wide for the narrow booths labeled "Ballots Must Be Prepared In These Booths" where the ballots are marked. A policeman is standing on the…