Browse Items (39 total)

  • Collection: Early American Numbers

7.13.11 027.JPG
Multiplication table illustrated on the roots of an Indian Banyan tree, with accompanying tables and descriptions


7.18.11 018.JPG
Bound manuscript of arithmetic textbook created by student in Susanna Rowson's academy for girls in Boston. Handwritten book is simultaneously an exercise in learning math, penmanship, and business genres.

7.20.11 010.JPG
Ticket for lottery drawing, 3rd class, to raise funds to build a bridge in Newcastle

7.20.11 012.JPG
Lottery ticket, 6th class, for Rhode Island state lottery

7.20.11 015.JPG
Lottery ticket, 4th class, for Harvard College drawing

7.20.11 011.JPG
Ticket for lottery to promote literature in New York state

7.3.11 008.JPG
A table explaining and visualizing the numeration system for schoolchildren and others learning the fundamentals of math and calculation.

7.3.11 019.JPG
Table of square roots from Fisher

7.3.11 012.JPG
Math word problem about calculating a nobleman's income
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