Browse Items (2877 total)

- Fires--California--Los Angeles--1990-2000
- Running--California--Los Angeles--1990-2000
- Race riots--California--Los Angeles--1990-2000

The reflection in the man's glasses show American police beating up black and white citizens

Appreciate America.gif
A poster of Donald Duck saluting with the caption "Appreciate America. I Get Exasperated at People Who Squawk"

Image of the Nazi flag combined with the flag of Israel, correlating the Zionists with the Nazis.

Californian-May 22, 1847- up close.png
This is an up close image of Vol.2, No.1: ay 22nd, 1847 "Californian" issue from UC Riverside's California Digital Newspaper Collection

SCU Theatre Ticket 1941.JPG
This is a photot of a Santa Clara University Theatre ticket for the show Cenodoxus in 1941, which was discovered being used as a bookmark in a volume in the Santa Clara University Archives and Special Collections.

"Co-eds Sit Left Senate Says"
Newspaper article from The Santa Clara.

"Couch Potatoes and Super-Women": Gender,
Migration, and the Emerging Discourse on
Housework among Asian Indian Immigrants
IN APRIL 1991 a letter written by Ms. Subbi Mathur and titled "Couch
Potatoes and Super-Women" appeared in…

Article about the acquisition of a 20 month old chimpanzee named 'Esau.'
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