This image was collected during Henry P. Anderson’s doctoral research into the public health aspects of the Bracero Program, a bi-national agreement which allowed workers from Mexico to travel to the United States temporarily to work in the…
The original description from photographer Hal Higgins reads: “President Robert Barr of the Central California Beet Growers' Assoc. And his crew of Mexicans recently imported into California to save the record crop. Mr. Barr likes the Mexican labor…
After going through the processing center in Mexico, workers were transported by train or bus to processing centers in the United States and then to bracero camps. The group pictured in this photograph is among the first group of braceros hired in…
This image is from the personal papers of researcher Henry P. Anderson. These materials were collected or generated by Anderson during his graduate studies at U.C. Berkeley and later affiliation with farm worker advocacy organizations. Topics…
This image is from the personal papers of researcher Henry P. Anderson. These materials were collected or generated by Anderson during his graduate studies at U.C. Berkeley and later affiliation with farm worker advocacy organizations. Topics…