Letter From an Unknown German Soldier - 1945

In this letter an unknown German soldier is writing to His mother, his wife, and his daughter informing them of his current bleak situation in the war. He explains how he is trapped on the front lines against the Russian military because he is part of the last line of defense, and he also talks about rumors that the Russians are encircling his unit. He also gives other updates about the war to help give his family in Danzig advice on what to do. He talks about how scarce food has gotten and he also explains how bread particularly has gotten very scarce after the Russians took “Warhegau and East and West Prussia” giving an insight to how important certain cities are for varying reasons. Like many others this German soldier also explains he desperately wants the war to end along with all of his comrades. This German soldier seems quite motivated to keep going however, which could also just be a persona to keep his family motivated, but he states how he feels like there is nothing he can do but try and keep himself healthy and then everything will play out in the end (Letter to wife and daughter 1945).